Official website of theOld Munichburg Association logo






Jefferson City and Partner City Muenchberg, Germany

Munichburg began forming in the 1840s when German immigrants started settling on the south side of Wear’s Creek. Many of the first to arrive were from Muenchberg in Upper Franconia (now part of Bavaria), and the neighborhood took its name, Muenchberg, from them. Over the years, the name turned into Munichburg. By the early twentieth century, Munichburg had become English speaking and was called the Southside. Enough of its German heritage remained, however, that it has always been recognized as a distinct and vigorous community within Jefferson CityCrest for the city of Muenchberg, Bavaria, Germany. Partner city with Jefferson City, Missouri..

The Old Munichburg Association proposed the idea of forming a partner city with Muenchberg to the City of Jefferson, who embraced the idea. The city of Muenchberg was approached, and they also responded enthusiastically, so in 2004 a partnership was formed that continues today.

The bonds between the two cities have grown over the years as many groups from Jefferson City have visited Muenchberg, and Jefferson City has had the privilege of hosting groups of visitors from Muenchberg. The exchanges have also allowed families to renew bonds with relatives from the "Old Country" and the "New World."

To commemorate the partnership, Jefferson City was gifted a "Partnership Rock" from the citizens of Muenchberg. The rock is located at the Old Munichburg Corner at the intersection of Jefferson and Dunklin Streets. The inscription reads: The Partner Cities since 2004. Jefferson City, Missouri, USA. Münchberg, Bavaria, Germany. In memory of the emigrants from the region of Münchberg to Jefferson City and Cole County in the nineteenth century. In transatlantic friendship. The City Council of Münchberg. September 2009.